Students listed in red.
Su Y., Jovchevska M., Xu N.W. 2025. Biodegradable tracer particles for underwater particle image velocimetry, submitted.
Fraga C.J., Brown M.S., Xu N.W. 2025. Advances in invertebrate bio-hybrid robotics: Leveraging nature for engineered systems, under review.
Sampath K., Geder J.D., Xu N.W., Ramamurti R., Pruessner, M.D. 2025. Thrust and wake characterization of tandem flexible flapping fins, under review.
Xu N.W., Lenczewska O., Wieten, S.E., Federico, C.A., Dabiri J.O. 2025. Ethics of biohybrid robotic jellyfish modification and invertebrate research, in revision. [Preprint] [PDF]
Xu N.W. 2024. Float like a butterfly, swim like a biohybrid neuromuscular robot. Science Robotics, 9, eads4127. [PDF]
Graybill M.T., Xu N.W. 2024. Experimental studies of bioinspired shark denticles for drag reduction. Integrative & Comparative Biology, 64(3):742–752, https://doi.org/10.1093/icb/icae086. [PDF]
Xu N.W., Dabiri J.O. 2024. “The creation of an augmented jellyfish: Ethical considerations from a scientific perspective," Transanimalisme: L'animal augmenté, entre exploitations et protections, Eds. Amandine Cayol, Émilie Gaillard, Bénédicte Bévière-Boyer. Mare et Martin, ISBN: 978-2-38600-002-7. [PDF]
Webster-Wood V.A., Guix M., Xu N.W., Behkam B., Sato H., Sarkar D., Sanchez S., Shimizu M., Parker K.K. 2023. Biohybrid robots: Recent progress, challenges, and perspectives. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 18(1): 015001. [PDF]
Xu N.W., Dabiri J.O. 2022. Bio-inspired Ocean Exploration. Oceanography, 35(2):3548, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2022.214.[Cover] [PDF]
Sampath K.*, Xu N.W.*, Geder J.D., Pruessner M., Ramamurti R. 2022. Flapping soft fin deformation modeling using planar laser-induced fluorescence imaging. Journal of Visualized Experiments, (182), e63784, doi:10.3791/63784. [PDF]
*These authors contributed equally to this paper.
Xu N.W., Townsend J.P., Costello J.H., Colin S.P., Gemmell B.J., Dabiri J.O. 2021. Developing biohybrid robotic jellyfish (Aurelia aurita) for free-swimming tests in the laboratory and in the field. Bio-protocol, 11(7): e3974. [PDF]
Hoover A.P., Xu N.W., Gemmell B.J., Colin S.P., Costello J.H., Dabiri J.O., Miller L.A. 2021. Neuromechanical wave resonance in jellyfish bell swimming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A., 118(11): e2020025118. [PDF]
Xu N.W. 2021. Squid-inspired robots perform swimmingly. Science Robotics, 6, eabf4301. [PDF]
Xu N.W., Townsend J.P., Costello J.H., Colin S.P., Gemmell B.J., Dabiri J.O. 2020. Field testing of biohybrid robotic jellyfish to demonstrate enhanced swimming speeds. Biomimetics, 5(4), 64. [PDF]
Xu N.W., Dabiri J.O. 2020. Low-power microelectronics embedded in live jellyfish enhance propulsion. Science Advances, 6(5), eaaz3194. [Cover] [PDF]
Bahl V.*, Lin S.*, Xu N.*, Davis B., Wang Y., Talbot P. 2012. Comparison of electronic cigarette refill fluid cytotoxicity using embryonic and adult models. Reproductive Toxicology, 34(4):529-537. [PDF]
*These authors contributed equally to this paper.
Behar R., Bahl V., Wang Y., Lin S., Xu N., Davis B., Talbot P. 2012. A method for rapid dose-response screening of environmental chemicals using human embryonic stem cells. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods, 66(3):238-245. [PDF]
Xu N.W., Xu S., Ehlers J. 2009. Estimating the broad-sense heritability of early growth of cowpea. International Journal of Plant Genomics, ID 984521. [PDF]